20.11 Mariana Mazzucato: Industrial Strategy | ReSES AD Lecture

Date: 20.11.2024
Time: 16:00 (EET, Helsinki time)
Place: Online
Zoom link


A New Approach to Industrial strategy:
Directing the economy toward an inclusive and sustainable future
Mariana Mazzucato

The ReSES project is happy to announce an upcoming online public lecture titled “A New Approach to Industrial Strategy” to be delivered by Mariana Mazzucato. This event is part of the Argumenta Distinguished Lectures series organized by ReSES at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki.

Industrial strategy is experiencing a renaissance. Getting the details right matter. Mission-oriented industrial strategy needs to be more than words if we want to avoid missions becoming part of the problem, not the solution. During this lecture, Professor Mariana Mazzucato will offer insights gained from work with governments around the world – on opportunities ranging from healthy and sustainable housing estates in our local Camden Council to the ecological transition in Brazil – that are advancing new approaches to bring economic, social, and environmental policy goals into alignment at the centre of their growth strategies. She will explore what it takes for governments to design, implement, and govern new industrial strategies and examine the tools, institutions, partnerships, and capabilities governments need to deliver transformative change.

Mariana Mazzucato (PhD) is Professor in the Economics of Innovation and Public Value at University College London (UCL), where she is Founding Director of the UCL Institute for Innovation & Public Purpose. She is winner of international prizes including the Grande Ufficiale Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana in 2021, Italy’s highest civilian honour, the 2020 John von Neumann Award, the 2019 All European Academies Madame de Staël Prize for Cultural Values, and 2018 Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought. Most recently, Pope Francis appointed her to the Pontifical Academy for Life for bringing ‘more humanity’ to the world.

As well as The Entrepreneurial State: debunking public vs. private sector myths (2013), she is the author of The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy (2018), Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism (2021), and most recently The Big Con: How the Consulting Industry Weakens our Businesses, Infantilizes our Governments and Warps our Economies (2023). She advises policymakers around the world on innovation-led inclusive and sustainable growth. Her roles have included for example Chair of the World Health Organization’s Council on the Economics of Health for All, Co-Chair of the Global Commission on the Economics of Water, a member of the South African President’s Economic Advisory Council, and the Co-Chair of the Group of Experts to the G20 Task Force for the Global Mobilization against Climate Change.

Funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation, the ReSES project aims to rethink how economics can better serve society. The project’s Argumenta Distinguished Lectures series provides a platform for leading experts to present ideas that challenge conventional economic thought and promote societal well-being. Professor Mazzucato’s lecture, “A New Approach to Industrial Strategy” is a significant addition to this series.

The lecture is free and open to the public, reflecting the ReSES project’s dedication to making scholarly discussions accessible to a broad audience.

You can join the Zoom webinar via this link

TINT blog relaunches itself / TINTin blogi uudistuu

TINTin blogi siirtyy uuteen aikaan. Edelleen julkaisemme tässä blogissa tekstejä, jossa maailmaa katsotaan tieteenfilosofisesta perspektiivistä. Tekstit voivat olla esimerkiksi tutkimukseen perustuvia katsauksia ja mielipiteitä tai kirja-arvioita. Kirjoittaa voi suomeksi, ruotsiksi ja englanniksi. Jos haluat julkaista vastineen täällä julkaistuun tekstiin, ota yhteyttä toimitukseen. 

Jatkossa kaikki julkaistavat tekstit käyvät läpi toimitusprosessin, ja siksi tutkijat voivat merkitä ne tutkimustietokantoihin vertaisarvioimattomina julkaisuina. Suositeltu merkkimäärä suomeksi (sis. sanavälit) on 3000-10000 merkkiä, englanniksi noin 450-1000 sanaa, mutta tämä riippuu hyvin paljon myös jutun aiheesta.  
Yhteystiedot: Jani Raerinne / jani.raerinne () helsinki.fi 
TINT blog is entering a new era. We will continue to publish posts that view the world from a philosophy of science perspective. The content may include, for example, reviews and opinions based on research or book reviews. Contributions can be written in Finnish, Swedish, or English. If you would like to publish a response to a text published here, please contact the editorial team. 

From now on, all texts published will go through an editorial process, allowing researchers to list them in research databases as non-peer-reviewed publications. The recommended length for texts in Finnish (including spaces) is 3,000-10,000 characters, and in English, approximately 450-1,000 words, though this can vary depending on the topic. 

Contact: Jani Raerinne / jani.raerinne () helsinki.fi 

Science vs. non-science! Why the demarcation problem is still relevant and what we can do about it / Carlo Martini

What separates science from pseudoscience? In this post, Carlo Martini takes a fresh look at the familiar but largely forgotten problem of demarcation. He argues that demarcation is still a relevant problem, as scientific misinformation continues to plague public debates on topics such as global warming, vaccines, and more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic.

Continue reading “Science vs. non-science! Why the demarcation problem is still relevant and what we can do about it / Carlo Martini”

Institutional knowledge

Under what circumstances can we correctly attribute knowledge to an institution? The question is interesting not only because it can assist us in attributing responsibility, but also because it can illuminate what information structures and lines of communication should look like in institutions. This post by Säde Hormio is based on her forthcoming article “Institutional knowledge and its normative implications”.

Continue reading “Institutional knowledge”

Law, economics and interdisciplinarity

Péter Cserne and Magdalena Małecka tell us how their book Law and Economics as Interdisciplinary Practice came to be and give an overview on what kind of issues the book tackles. They discuss the position of Law and Economics at a time when questions are raised about the identity and possible further developments of the research project.

Written by Péter Cserne and Magdalena Małecka

Law and Economics is the poster child of interdisciplinary research in the social sciences. Since the 1970s, Law and Economics scholars have formed several associations, published half a dozen journals, and organised entire specialised programmes in economic analysis of the law. They developed a shared terminology and came to agree, at least implicitly, that standard microeconomic models provide better explanations of how law impacts behaviour than any other social scientific studies of the law and legal systems.

To be sure, this aspiration of economic analysis of law faces criticism and is sometimes conceived of as imperialistic. Critics claim that Law and Economics provides a rather limited understanding of the law. They also think that it violates some norms of academic practice because it does not respond to scholarly criticism according to commonly shared standards. It is in fact true that there is an asymmetry in the interaction of economics and law, which might be conceived of as being problematic in either an epistemic or an institutional sense. The question is, what does Law and Economics owe its success to? Is it successful because of its epistemic power or the institutional power of its proponents?

With this question in mind, more than two years ago, we started thinking about organizing a workshop on Law and Economics. Even though Law and Economics had already been discussed from many theoretical angles we knew that a perspective of the contemporary philosophy of science is still missing. So, we thought, this must be a focal point of the workshop.

As we kept on discussing the workshop’s idea, it became clear to us very quickly that the debates on interdisciplinarity in philosophy of science can shed new light on continuing and nascent doubts about both the coherence and the future of Law and Economics, raised from the inside of this field. Hence, we jotted down the following questions: Is the behavioural model underlying standard Law and Economics limited or superseded by empirical findings and insights from cognitive psychology? Have efficiency and welfare maximisation really managed to replace values such as justice and rights in evaluating the law? Are they still considered superior to other consequentialist evaluative standards such as innovation and growth? How are empirical or theoretical generalisations of economics relevant for and channelled into the core of legal discourse which typically focuses on particularities of individual transactions and disputes?

The workshop, Law and Economics: Theoretical and Practical Dimensions of Interdisciplinarity, took place at the University of Helsinki in November 2017. The event was organised by TINT – Centre for Philosophy of Social Science of the University of Helsinki and MetaLawEcon, an interdisciplinary academic network of legal scholars, philosophers, economists and other social scientists focusing on foundational issues of Law & Economics.

It was a very productive event, and the contributions to the workshop encouraged us to share the results with others in the form of a book. So, we edited a book which contains some papers from our workshop together with a few additional contributions.

The book, Law and Economics as Interdisciplinary Practice, brings together economists, philosophers, historians and legal scholars. It explores whether, and in what sense Law and Economics has indeed been an exemplar of interdisciplinarity. And, inspired by insights from the philosophy of the social sciences, the book

Image: Routledge.                     

  • shows how concepts travel between legal scholarship and economics and change meanings when applied elsewhere,
  • illustrates how economic theories and models inform and transform judicial practice,
  • asks whether the transfers of knowledge between economics and law are symmetrical exchanges between the two disciplines, and
  • explores the causes and consequences of the asymmetrical relationship between law and economics.

In sum, the book provides insights on the foundations, methods, achievements and challenges of Law and Economics, at a time when both the continuing criticism of academic economics and the growth of empirical legal studies raise questions about the identity and possible further developments of this research project.

In the book, the authors address three key issues which are pertinent for judging whether Law and Economics is indeed a successful interdisciplinary research project.

1. In what sense can we characterise Law and Economics as a scientific enterprise and how can we locate it within the broader set of possible interactions of the two disciplines?

2. Which transfers of concepts and methods from economics to legal scholarship have features of symmetric exchanges and which are asymmetrical, and why?

3. In which ways are different kinds of normative reasoning relevant for legal practice informed by economic theory and what are the tensions between them?

Contents page of Law and Economics as Interdisciplinary Exchange. Philosophical, Methodological and Historical Perspectives.

These are challenging questions and the authors do not provide easy answers. Nevertheless, they provide the reader with a lot of rich material and original analysis that (we hope) will carry the debates concerning Law and Economics forward and provide a better understanding of the challenges.

If you are interested in exploring the book further, the link to purchasing options is available here.

Yet another handbook on the philosophy of social sciences?

There are many excellent handbooks on the philosophy of the social sciences out there. So who needs another one? Perhaps no one, at least not now. In this post, Michiru Nagatsu and Attilia Ruzzene explain why they prepared another handbook,  Contemporary Philosophy and Social Science: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue, and why this is different.

Continue reading “Yet another handbook on the philosophy of social sciences?”

TINT in context

Written by Uskali Mäki

The story of Finnish philosophy of science is often told in terms of sequential generations, expanding from individuals to groups. There was Eino Kaila, logical empiricist, followed by Georg Henrik von Wright and his student Jaakko Hintikka, followed by the latter’s students such as Ilkka Niiniluoto, Raimo Tuomela, and Risto Hilpinen. The generic style of research has been markedly analytic, but the modes of analysis have not been uniform, and the themes addressed have evolved in the course of the past decades. (For a story of Finnish philosophy of science, see e.g. Niiniluoto EPSA Newsletter 2013.)

Continue reading “TINT in context”