Impact and outreach 2020

Uskali Mäki
Periferiasta pesee! Vai peseekö? Globaalin tiedejärjestelmän asymmetriat ja pienen semi-periferian strategiat.
Talk at the annual Edistyksen Päivät seminar organized by Tiedeliitto about science policy and the geopolitics of science.

Uskali Mäki
Kansainvälisyyttä koronalla ja ilman [Internationality with and without COVID-19]
Talk at a seminar Kansainvälisen toiminnan nykyedellytykset organized by the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters

Inkeri Koskinen, Jaakko Kuorikoski & Uskali Mäki with Mirjam Kalland, Mika Salminen, Jaakko Kuosmanen & Erik Angner
Tieteen rooli koronakriisissä [Role of science in the COVID-19 crisis]
Organizing and participating in an expert panel discussion [in Finnish] on the effects of COVID-19 crisis on science, organized by Tieteenfilosofian kansalliskomitea with the support of Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, University of Helsinki, and TINT.

Impact and outreach 2019


Raul Hakli, Samuli Reijula, Arto Laitinen & Petri Ylikoski
Tekoälyn filosofiaa [Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence]
Participation in a panel on the philosophy of AI, organized by SFY, University of Helsinki Cognitive Science and Intelligenzia.

Jaakko Kuorikoski
Interview on the philosophy of economics. Francesco Guala interviewed prominent scholars who work at the intersection between the two disciplines, discussing hot topics.

Caterina Marchionni
Interview in the SCI-PHI podcast about philosophy and methodology of economics. 18.6.2019.

Arto Laitinen
Hallitus haluaa tekoälylle eettiset ohjeet – Tamperelaisprofessori kertoo, millaisia ongelmia niillä ratkaistaan, Aamulehti 5.6.2019.
Interview on the Finnish government’s plans for ethical guidelines for AI.

Michiru Nagatsu
Will architecture save the environment or ruin it?
Panelist in discussion at World Village festival, 26.5.2019.

Sonja Amadae
A chapter, “Kansallismielisten populistien haaste keskustaoikeistolle ja kolme kysymystä Euroopan liberaaleille” [The national populists’ challenge to the center-right and three questions for the liberals of Europe], written together with Henri Aaltonen in the popular science bookVapiseva Eurooppa — Mitä seuraa eurooppalaisen politiikan kaaoksesta? [Quivering Europe – what comes of the European political chaos?].

Säde Hormio
Ilmastonmuutos ja tiedeskeptisyyden taustavoimat. [Climate change and the forces behind science skepticism] Philosophical Society of Finland 24.4.2019.
Discussion on science skepticism.

Säde Hormio
Ympäristöahdistus on totta. [Climate anxiety is real] Yle Akuutti 10.4.2019.
Expert interview on Finnish national television.

Arto Laitinen
Onko tekoäly palvonnan kohde, orja vai kumppani? [Is AI a target of worship, a slave or a companion?] Alusta! verkkolehti 3/2019.
Participation in a podcast discussion on Alusta! e-publication of Tampere University.

Samuli Reijula & Jaakko Kuorikoski with Jaakko Lehtinen
Tekoäly – uusi ATK? [AI – The new ADP?]
Discussion in the open seminar Tekoäly, ihminen ja yhteiskunta [AI, Human and Society], Tampere University 17-18.1.2019.

Uskali Mäki
Tieteeltä leikkaaminen ei ole säästämistä. [Defunding science is not saving] Hämeen sanomat 12.1.2019.
Opinion piece in a Finnish newspaper.

Impact and outreach 2018


Magdalena Małecka
2018-2019 hired as an expert of the European Commission and as a contributing author to the EU Joint Research Center report Understanding our political nature. How to put knowledge and reason at the heart of political decision-making. The report analyses the use of the social and behavioural sciences to address a recent political crisis of the rise of extremisms across the European Union.

Uskali Mäki
Taloustieteen itseriittoisuudessa on riskinsä. Talous & Yhteiskunta 4/2018.
Interview on the self-importance of economics.

Raul Hakli
Voiko robotti kantaa vastuuta? Yle Puhe Aamu 1.11.2018
A radio interview on national radio Yle Puhe, on whether robots can bear responsibility.

Raul Hakli and Pekka Mäkelä
Voiko robotti korvata intendentin?
Participation in the Finnish Heritage Agency’s Cultural Environment Days, 10/2018 Joensuu.
Hakli and Mäkelä led the discussion “Can robots replace intendants?”

Raul Hakli and Pekka Mäkelä
Voiko robotti kantaa vastuuta? Tekoäly ja älyllisyys. Tiedepolitiikka 4/2018
An article on whether robots can bear responsibility, in the science policy magazine Tiedepolitiikka.

Uskali Mäki
Tiede tarvitsee paremman ymmärryksen itsestään. University of Helsinki website 17.7.2018.
Interview on why science needs a better understanding of itself and TINT’s role in providing it.

Kristina Rolin
Etiikan ei tarvitse maistua pahalta. [Ethics doesn’t have to taste bad] Aikalainen, 30.4.2019.
Interview in Tampere University science and culture magazine.

Impact and outreach 2017


Jaakko Kuorikoski
Highly cited researchers: philosophy, demography and sociology. University of Helsinki website.
Article featuring Jaakko Kuorikoski as a highly cited researcher at the University of Helsinki (in Finnish here).

Inkeri Koskinen
Punkit foliossa ja luottamus tieteeseen. Tieteessä tapahtuu 4/2017
Editorial on trust in science in the popular science journal Tieteessä tapahtuu (Science Now).

Uskali Mäki
Homo economicus ei ollutkaan valmis: talousjärkeilijä sai tunteet. Kauppalehti 18.11.2017.
Uskali Mäki interviewed in Kauppalehti about the conception of homo economicus, rationality and the future of economics.

Uskali Mäki
Val­tio­tie­teel­li­ses­tä kol­me tie­tee­na­laa kv-ver­tai­lun 50 jou­kos­sa. University of Helsinki website 3/2017.
Article on the outstanding QS ranking of philosophy at the University of Helsinki, featuring Uskali Mäki.

Mikko Salmela with Christian von Scheve
Emotional dynamics of right-wing political populism. Oxford University Press blog Academic Insights for the Thinking World 19.1.2017.
Blog post on the emotional processes that fuel support for the new populist right, written in the wake of Donald Trump’s selection.

TINT members
Participation in the biennial Science Forum (Tieteen päivät) in Helsinki. 11-15.1.2017.
Uskali Mäki was a member of the Science Forum program committee, and Inkeri Koskinen a panelist. Some of the sessions (in Finnish) with TINTers have been uploaded to YouTube by TiedeTV. Free will chaired by Pekka Mäkelä, Nationalism chaired by Mikko Salmela and Life and possible life – philosophical perspectives to synthetic biology by Rami Koskinen.

Impact and outreach 2012-2016


Inkeri Koskinen
Suomalaisten usko tieteeseen on entisestään vahvistunut – ”Kansa luottaa enemmän kuin päättäjät”. Suomen Kuvalehti 10.12.2016
Magazine article discussing how the public trusts science more than politicians.

Michiru Nagatsu
Interview on mobility and the European research environment. EURAXESS Japan Quarterly Newsletter 3/2016.

Uskali Mäki
Radio interview with Uskali Mäki about the value and public image of science (in Finnish). Yle Radio Suomi 14.3.2016.


Jaakko Kuorikoski
Ihminen luottaa tunteeseen, tiede järkeen. Yle 2.9.2015.
Interview on national morning TV about the public mistrust in science.

Inkeri Koskinen
Villi Suomen historia: Välimeren Väinämöisestä Äijäkupittaan pyramideihin. Helsinki: Tammi.
Book popularizing research on current discussions of demarcation in science. The book won the 2015 award for best book on science (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies).


Samuli Reijula
Luokituksilla on taustansa. Helsingin Sanomat 25.11.2014.
Newspaper interview on classifications and looping effects in science.

Mikko Salmela with Christian von Scheve
Collective emotions and the European crisis. Oxford University Press blog Academic Insights for the Thinking World 6.3.2014.
Blog post on the link between collective emotions and the rising populist and nationalist movements in Europe.


Mikko Salmela with Johanna Sumiala
Pelko ruokkii vihaa kilpailuyhteiskunnassa. Helsingin Sanomat 6.6.2013.
Guest editorial in Finland’s leading newspaper on how hate feeds on fear of failure in a competitive society.


Raul Hakli, Uskali Mäki and Petri Ylikoski
Interview in The Reasoner by Caterina Marchionni on TINT’s expansion to a Centre of Excellence.