TINT seminar on the Economics Nobel Prize 2022 with two speakers: Refet Gürkaynak from Bilkent University and Hannu Vartiainen from the University of Helsinki. The titles of their talks below.
“The Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2022″ Refet Gürkaynak (Bilkent University)
“Why this year’s Prize is interesting from a modelling perspective” Hannu Vartiainen (University of Helsinki)
The seminar takes place online via Zoom on the 26th of October 2022, from 14:00 onwards.
31.5.2022 klo 17–19 Tiedekulman Stage (Yliopistonkatu 4) ja Tiedekulman live stream.
Tieteenfilosofian kansalliskomitea järjestää paneelikeskustelun aiheesta Rokotusasenteet ja luottamus tieteeseen. Mitä olemme oppineet rokotusasenteista? Mistä kielteiset asenteet johtuvat? Mikä rooli on luottamuksella tieteeseen? Miten luottamusta voitaisiin kohentaa?
Keskustelussa mukana: Pia Vuolanto, Tampereen yliopisto Anna Soveri, Turun yliopisto Mika Rämet, Rokotetutkimuskeskus, Tampereen yliopisto Saana Jukola, Ruhrin yliopisto, Bochum Inkeri Koskinen, Tampereen yliopisto Ilmari Hirvonen, Helsingin yliopisto
INT seminar on the 2021 Economics Nobel Prize on Wednesday 8.12. Speaking at the event are Roope Uusitalo (University of Helsinki) and Arthur Netto (University of São Paulo).
The seminar takes place in Zoom on Wednesday 8.12. from 13:00 to 15:00. Register for the seminar here.
Roope Uusitalo (University of Helsinki): “Card, Angrist, Imbens and the credibility revolution in Economics”
Arthur Netto (University of São Paulo): “An Academic Harbor for Governmental Affairs: How Princeton Industrial Relations Section Legitimized Program Evaluation in Economics”
Breaking the glass-ceiling: Gender in science and philosophy.
Over the last couple of decades the gender gap in academia has significantly narrowed, yet the pace at which progress is taking place is surprisingly slow. In philosophy, for example, it’s still very much the case that while the proportions men and women are roughly equal among undergraduate philosophy students, the number of men increases disproportionately at the faculty level. Finnish academic philosophy is no exception. What causes this gap to persist? Why do some fields fare better than others? Which measures can we take to fill the gap? During this event we bring together national and international experts to address these and related questions with a particular focus on the Finnish context.
The event will be held in Helsinki at Metsätalo, sali 1 / hall 1. Entrance via Unioninkatu 40 or Fabianinkatu 39.
Program | 17.11.2021
17:30 Opening words: Caterina Marchionni (TINT) & Sami Pihlström (SFY) 17:35 Introduction: Säde Hormio, Päivi Seppälä & Sanna Tirkkonen 17:45 Jennifer Saul (University of Waterloo) 18:15 Q&A (chaired by Caterina Marchionni) 18:25 Liisa Husu (Örebro University) 18:55 Q&A (chaired by Päivi Seppälä) 19:05 Panel discussion (in alphabetical order, chaired by Jaakko Kuorikoski) Sara Heinämaa (University of Jyväskylä) Maria Lasonen-Aarnio (University of Helsinki) Uskali Mäki (University of Helsinki) Kristina Rolin (Tampere University) Helena Siipi (University of Turku) 19:30 Q&A 19:45 End of the event
The event is free from charge and open to everyone.