Perspectives on science seminar
07.04.2025 Jennifer Jhun (Duke University):
“Revisiting the question of reduction in economics”
Perspectives on science seminar
10.3.2025 Inkeri Koskinen (TINT/Helsinki):
“Peer Review in Artistic Research: a Case Study”
Perspectives on science seminar
10.2.2025 Karoliina Pulkkinen (TINT/Helsinki):
“Legitimacy through outputs: how science and technology can contribute to nondemocratic legitimization”
Perspectives on science seminar
13.1.2025 Jaakko Kuorikoski (TINT/Helsinki): “Structure without foundations? – DSGE, microfoundations, and causality“
ReSES Argumenta distinguished lecture
20.11.2024 Mariana Mazzucato: “A New Approach to Industrial Strategy: Directing the economy toward and inclusive sustainable future”
Perspectives on science seminar
7.10.2024 Ben Genta (UC Irvine): “The Easy and Hard Problem of Similarity”
TINT Workshop
9.9.2024 Agency, preferences and welfare
(w/ Douglas Bernheim)
Perspectives on science seminar
20.5.2024 Patricia Rich (University of Bayreuth): “The Evolution of Cooperation … in Science”
Perspectives on science seminar
13.5.2024 Emrah Aydinonat (University of Helsinki: “Economic Models as Argumentative Devices“
Perspectives on science seminar
6.5.2024 Mattia Gallotti (London Interdisciplinary School): “Towards a Framework for Interdisciplinary Integrative Research”
For more information, see seminar page.
Uskali Mäki giving a talk at Stanford David M. Kreps Symposium in November 2023
TINT’s director Uskali Mäki will give a talk at the symposium hosted by Stanford Graduate School of Business titled “Homo economicus, Evolving”, taking place at 9:00 a.m. PT on Friday, November 17, 2023. The event will be streamed. More information and registration for the event
20-22 June 2023
Institutional Epistemology Workshop
Invited speakers include Elizabeth Anderson (University of Michigan), Daniel Steel (The University of British Columbia) and Alison Wylie (The University of British Columbia) The workshop takes place in Helsinki
More information
28 April, 2023
Panel discussion: Can economics save the world?
An event held by the ReSES Argumenta project. The panel discussion is chaired by Magdalena Małecka, and features a opening speech by Erik Angner, and panelists Outi Haanperä, Minna Ylikännö, and Sixten Korkman.
More information
8 February, 2023
Panel discussion: Are economists up for the challenges of the day?
An event held by the ReSES Argumenta project. The panel discussion is chaired by Uskali Mäki, and features a keynote by Wendy Carlin, and panelists Riina Bhatia, Eeva Hellström, Mika Pantzar and Roope Uusitalo.
More information
8-9 December, 2022
Nordic Network for the Science of Science
Workshop 2: Mixed methods in the science of science
Keynote speakers include Valentina Tartari (Copenhagen Business School), James Evans (University of Chicago), Vasso Kindi (University of Athens) and others.
Organized by Institute for Analytical Sociology (IAS). The team includes Samuli Reijula (TINT / Helsinki University)
More information
- 7.4. Perspectives on Science Seminar: Jennifer Jhun
- 10.3. Perspectives on Science Seminar: Inkeri Koskinen
- 10.2. Perspectives on Science seminar: Karoliina Pulkkinen
- Practical Philosophy in Practice: Thinking, Feeling, Imagining and Acting at the End of the World / Michiru Nagatsu
- Dissecting Arguments for Pluralism: Summary and Comments on Interview with Ha-Joon Chang / Teemu Lari
- 13.1. Perspectives on Science seminar: Jaakko Kuorikoski
- Pluralistin argumentteja ruotimassa: Yhteenvetoa ja kommentteja Ha-Joon Changin haastattelusta / Teemu Lari
- 2.12. Perspectives on Science seminar: Guido Caniglia
- 5.11. Perspectives on Science seminar: Ahmad Elabbar
- Competency assessment tests in the application process for salaried PhD positions do not promote fairness, objectivity, or transparency / Inkeri Koskinen & Päivi Seppälä
- Maailma muuttuu, miten taloustiede vastaa? / Anita Välikangas
- 20.11 Mariana Mazzucato: Industrial Strategy | ReSES AD Lecture
- Fediverse support
- TINT blog relaunches itself / TINTin blogi uudistuu
- Photos from past TINT events
- 7.10. Perspectives on Science seminar: Benjamin Santos Genta
- 23.9. Perspectives on Science seminar: Vincent Lam
- Suomen Akatemian tutkimusrahoitusuudistus vaikuttaa epäonnistuneelta / Jani Raerinne
- Agency, Preferences, and Welfare workshop
- Kohteleeko Suomen Akatemia hakijoita yhdenvertaisesti? / Jani Raerinne