For videoed TINT events, please see TINT YouTube channel. Follow the TINT Twitter account here and the TINT Facebook Page here.
Photos of TINT events
Mini colloquium on social ontology
Helsinki, 20 April 2018.
Fake news! Neoliberalism, post-truth politics and propensities for violence, 19 December 2017
Discussion in Helsinki addressing S.M. Amadae’s Prisoners of Reason (Cambridge University Press, 2016).
Philosophy, Science, and Society – Issues of Impact and Beyond. Current Trends in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences IV, 15 December 2017
Symposium in Helsinki.
Helsinki Workshop on Improvisation in Social and Political Action, 11-12 December 2017
Workshop in Helsinki.
Collective Responsibility, 17-18 November 2017
Workshop in Helsinki.
Economics and/or psychology? Interdisciplinary perspectives on behavioral economics, 22-23 May 2017
Workshop in Helsinki. Keynote speakers: Erik Angner (University of Stockholm) & Arno Riedl (Maastricht University)
Book launch: “The Ethical Underpinnings of Climate Economics”, 8 March 2017
Adrian Walsh (TINT), Säde Hormio (TINT) and Simo Kyllönen (TINT), comments by Matti Liski (Aalto University).
Symposium: Current Trends in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences III, 8 December 2016.
Invited guests: Stephen Turner, Hans Bernhard-Shcmid, Francesco Guala.
Professor Alfred Mele giving a talk on September 9 during his visit to TINT
The Fifth Conference of the European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ENPOSS) in Helsinki on 24-26 August 2016.
For more information, see the conference program & book of abstracts.
TINT summer trip along the Vanajavesi water route from Hämeenlinna to Visavuori, the home of sculptor Emil Wikström, & discussion and barbeque at the Mäki residence, on 21 June 2016.
Hasok Chang, with commentaries by Ilkka Niiniluoto and Uskali Mäki: “Realism as a pragmatist doctrine, or how to make realism more realistic”, on 1 April 2016.
Raimo Tuomela 75-Anniversary Workshop in Helsinki on 11 December 2015.
Evidence and Expertise, a workshop of “The Trinity of Policy-Making: Evidence, Causation and Argumentation” project in Helsinki on 29-30 October 2015.
Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science in Helsinki on 3-8 August 2015.
Nordic Network of Philosophy of Science: Third Annual Meeting in Helsinki on 23-24 April 2015.
Scientific Imperialism workshop in Helsinki on 15-17 April 2015.
For more information, see workshop program. [Back to top] Ethical underpinnings of climate economics workshop in Helsinki on 11-13 November 2014.For more information, see the workshop program. [Back to top] Author meets critics: Without Hierarchy by Mariam Thalos in Helsinki on 29 October 2014. [Back to top] Working seminar on robustness analysis in Helsinki on 25-26 September 2014.For more information, see events or workshop program. [Back to top] Evidence in Science and Epistemology conference in Helsinki on 27-28 May 2014.For more information, see events. [Back to top] Book launch of Tuukka Kaidesoja’s Naturalizing Critical Realist Social Ontology in Helsinki on 4 February 2014. [Back to top] Workshop on Interdisciplinarity in Helsinki on 5 December 2013.For more information, see events. [Back to top] Third Conference of the European Network on Social Ontology – ENSO III, Helsinki, 23.-25.8.2013.For more information, see events and the conference website. [Back to top] Fourth Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association – EPSA13, Helsinki, 28.-31.10.2013.For more information, see events, the conference website and EPSA website.Watch EPSA13 keynote lectures here. [Back to top] TINT Summer Workshop on Interdisciplinarity 2013.See events for more information. [Back to top] Arctic Workshop on Measurement in Economics, December 2012.See events for more information. [Back to top] The first workshop in the Market and Marketization series on 9.-10.4.2010.For more information and future workshops, see the Market and Marketization website. [Back to top]
Photos of AID-seminarsAID seminar on May 8 2017: “Democratising knowledge production: extra-academic collaboration in academic research”For more information and future debates, see AID. AID seminar on September 12 2016: “The Affective Turn: One or Many? Conceptual and Methodological Implications”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top] AID seminar on 2.5.2016: “Ethical machines: data mining and fairness”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top] AID seminar on 7.12.2015: “Machine learning, modelling the mind and the future of humanities and the social science”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top] AID seminar on 5.10.2015: “Economics, Psychology, and the Good Life”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top] AID seminar on 13.4.2015: “Human nature concepts and explaining human behavior”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top] AID seminar on 9.3.2015: “Managing Interdisciplinarity: Centres, Departments, Universities”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top] AID seminar on 8.12.2014: “Predictive ambitions and responses to predictive failure: Economics, cosmology/particle physics, and meteorology/climatology.”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top] AID seminar on 11.11.2014: “Integrating ethics and economics in climate policy assessment.”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top] AID seminar on 13.10.2014: “On scenarios, counterfactuals and foreign policy planning”For more information and future debates, see AID.
[Back to top] AID seminar on 7.4.2014: “Religion: Viewed from Theology, Philosophy, and Cognitive Science”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top] AID seminar on 3.3.2014: “Biology needs more than biologists: How do engineers, mathematicians, computer scientists and biologists fit into one tent?”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top] AID seminar on 9.12.2013: “Think tanks, science, and politics.”Watch the debate here.For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top] AID seminar on 4.11.2013: “Development Studies as an Intrinsically Multidisciplinary Discipline.”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top] AID-seminar on 14.10.2013: “Economics and ecology are almost alike, but do they neglect one another?”Watch the debate here.For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top] AID-seminar on 15.4.2013: “Reconciling Citizens’ Entitlements and Sound Public Finance – the Nordic Case: Perspectives from Economics and Political Philosophy.”Watch the debate here.For more information and future debates, see AID.