Mini colloquium on social ontology
Helsinki, 20 April 2018.

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Fake news! Neoliberalism, post-truth politics and propensities for violence, 19 December 2017
Discussion in Helsinki addressing S.M. Amadae’s Prisoners of Reason (Cambridge University Press, 2016).

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Philosophy, Science, and Society – Issues of Impact and Beyond. Current Trends in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences IV, 15 December 2017
Symposium in Helsinki.

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Helsinki Workshop on Improvisation in Social and Political Action, 11-12 December 2017
Workshop in Helsinki.

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Collective Responsibility, 17-18 November 2017
Workshop in Helsinki.

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Economics and/or psychology? Interdisciplinary perspectives on behavioral economics, 22-23 May 2017
Workshop in Helsinki. Keynote speakers: Erik Angner (University of Stockholm) & Arno Riedl (Maastricht University)

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Book launch: “The Ethical Underpinnings of Climate Economics”, 8 March 2017
Adrian Walsh (TINT), Säde Hormio (TINT) and Simo Kyllönen (TINT), comments by Matti Liski (Aalto University).

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Symposium: Current Trends in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences III, 8 December 2016.
Invited guests: Stephen Turner, Hans Bernhard-Shcmid, Francesco Guala.

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Professor Alfred Mele giving a talk on September 9 during his visit to TINT

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The Fifth Conference of the European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ENPOSS) in Helsinki on 24-26 August 2016.

For more information, see the conference program & book of abstracts.

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TINT summer trip along the Vanajavesi water route from Hämeenlinna to Visavuori, the home of sculptor Emil Wikström, & discussion and barbeque at the Mäki residence, on 21 June 2016.

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Hasok Chang, with commentaries by Ilkka Niiniluoto and Uskali Mäki: “Realism as a pragmatist doctrine, or how to make realism more realistic”, on 1 April 2016.

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Raimo Tuomela 75-Anniversary Workshop in Helsinki on 11 December 2015.

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Evidence and Expertise, a workshop of “The Trinity of Policy-Making: Evidence, Causation and Argumentation” project in Helsinki on 29-30 October 2015.

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Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science in Helsinki on 3-8 August 2015.

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Nordic Network of Philosophy of Science: Third Annual Meeting in Helsinki on 23-24 April 2015.

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Scientific Imperialism workshop in Helsinki on 15-17 April 2015.

For more information, see workshop program. [Back to top]  Ethical underpinnings of climate economics workshop in Helsinki on 11-13 November 2014.For more information, see the workshop program. [Back to top]  Author meets critics: Without Hierarchy by Mariam Thalos in Helsinki on 29 October 2014. [Back to top]  Working seminar on robustness analysis in Helsinki on 25-26 September 2014.For more information, see events or workshop program. [Back to top]  Evidence in Science and Epistemology conference in Helsinki on 27-28 May 2014.For more information, see events. [Back to top]  Book launch of Tuukka Kaidesoja’s Naturalizing Critical Realist Social Ontology in Helsinki on 4 February 2014. [Back to top]  Workshop on Interdisciplinarity in Helsinki on 5 December 2013.For more information, see events. [Back to top]  Third Conference of the European Network on Social Ontology – ENSO III, Helsinki, 23.-25.8.2013.For more information, see events and the conference website. [Back to top]  Fourth Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association – EPSA13, Helsinki, 28.-31.10.2013.For more information, see events, the conference website and EPSA website.Watch EPSA13 keynote lectures here. [Back to top] TINT Summer Workshop on Interdisciplinarity 2013.See events for more information. [Back to top] Arctic Workshop on Measurement in Economics, December 2012.See events for more information. [Back to top] The first workshop in the Market and Marketization series on 9.-10.4.2010.For more information and future workshops, see the Market and Marketization website. [Back to top] 
Photos of AID-seminarsAID seminar on May 8 2017: “Democratising knowledge production: extra-academic collaboration in academic research”For more information and future debates, see AID.  AID seminar on September 12 2016: “The Affective Turn: One or Many? Conceptual and Methodological Implications”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top]  AID seminar on 2.5.2016: “Ethical machines: data mining and fairness”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top]  AID seminar on 7.12.2015: “Machine learning, modelling the mind and the future of humanities and the social science”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top]  AID seminar on 5.10.2015: “Economics, Psychology, and the Good Life”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top]  AID seminar on 13.4.2015: “Human nature concepts and explaining human behavior”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top]  AID seminar on 9.3.2015: “Managing Interdisciplinarity: Centres, Departments, Universities”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top]  AID seminar on 8.12.2014: “Predictive ambitions and responses to predictive failure: Economics, cosmology/particle physics, and meteorology/climatology.”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top]  AID seminar on 11.11.2014: “Integrating ethics and economics in climate policy assessment.”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top]  AID seminar on 13.10.2014: “On scenarios, counterfactuals and foreign policy planning”For more information and future debates, see AID. 
[Back to top]  AID seminar on 7.4.2014: “Religion: Viewed from Theology, Philosophy, and Cognitive Science”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top]  AID seminar on 3.3.2014: “Biology needs more than biologists: How do engineers, mathematicians, computer scientists and biologists fit into one tent?”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top]  AID seminar on 9.12.2013: “Think tanks, science, and politics.”Watch the debate here.For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top]  AID seminar on 4.11.2013: “Development Studies as an Intrinsically Multidisciplinary Discipline.”For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top]  AID-seminar on 14.10.2013: “Economics and ecology are almost alike, but do they neglect one another?”Watch the debate here.For more information and future debates, see AID. [Back to top]  AID-seminar on 15.4.2013: “Reconciling Citizens’ Entitlements and Sound Public Finance – the Nordic Case: Perspectives from Economics and Political Philosophy.”Watch the debate here.For more information and future debates, see AID.

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